Carrot Treat Bag Creation
CourseLearn to sew adorable carrot treat bags for any occasion. Create fun, festive, and practical gifts that are perfect for parties or holidays.
Valentine's Day Sewing Projects
CourseCreate charming Valentine's Day gifts with hands-on sewing projects. Master essential techniques like measuring, sewing straight lines, and inserting zippers while crafting heartfelt items.
How to Sew a Dog Bone Christmas Stocking
CourseDon't leave out the furry members of the family this Holiday Season! This stocking is roomy enough to fill with your pet's favorite treats with room to spare.
Beta Pattern Making 101
Sewing Machine Boot Camp
Course5.0 average rating (6 reviews)An Introduction To Using Your Sewing Machine
Sewing 101
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Building A Strong Sewing Foundation